Summer field report

As we wrap up our final harvest, we’re sharing some of our favorite moments from the summer. Check it our for a behind-the-scenes look!

Kale harvest 

We harvested nearly 16K pounds of Kale throughout the summer. Now that’s a lot of leaves!

Beautiful blooms

We seeded a variety of flowers for our pollinators and they had the added bonus of providing some beautiful blooms.

Plant progress

From baby greens in April to harvest-ready in June.

Beet juice: nature's energy boost

Because many of our beets weren’t up to grocery store standards, we decided to salvage some of the harvest for juice. Looks intimidating, but it’s surprisingly good.

Cover crop to planting-ready

We’ll leave you with this very cool video of Sydney transforming our cover-cropped field to prepare for beet planting.


Spring field report